3 Signs You Need Indoor Air Quality Solutions in Ridgeland, MS

The air quality in your Ridgeland, MS, home doesn’t only keep you comfortable, it also directly impacts your health. If you notice any of these three signs, it’s time to invest in indoor air quality solutions:

Fatigue and Dizziness

If you notice yourself feeling weak, tired or dizzy when you’re at home, there may be issues with your IAQ. Of course, poor indoor air quality isn’t the only thing that can lead to these symptoms. To eliminate any doubt they indeed do stem from air quality issues at home, pay careful attention to whether the symptoms vanish when you leave and reappear when you return.

Aggressive Allergies

Pollen, dust and pet dander are three of the most common household allergens. If your allergies aggressively erupt when you’re at home, these pollutants may be at fault. If you have pets in your home, it’s important to invest in indoor air quality solutions. Items like air purifiers, air cleaners and other tools can trap and eliminate these allergens, allowing you to breathe easier. If you notice that your allergy symptoms seem to lessen when you’re not home, it’s safe to assume you have some allergy triggers lurking in it.

Your House Is Never Clean

You spend time regularly dusting and cleaning the surfaces in your home. While there’s nothing you can do to completely prevent dust from forming on these surfaces, having to dust more than usual is a sign of poor indoor air quality. If you notice a thin layer of quickly-forming dust on the surfaces you’ve cleaned within the last 24 hours, you’re probably dealing with IAQ issues.

If you think that your IAQ is poor, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our team isn’t only eager to keep your home comfortable, but we also want to help keep you safe. Contact Springfield Heating and Air today to find out more about our HVAC services.

Image provided by iStock

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